It seems to be that Republicans and Democrats exist only to do battle with each other instead of to fight those who would extinguish the “American” ideals that made and should continue to ensure this nation’s greatness. They are fighting for votes, as the winner gains power over hundreds of millions of people and control over who pays and who collects trillions of dollars. They fight to ensure worldly success for themselves, their fellow party members, their friends, and their family – not necessarily for their nation. And in doing so, they unnecessarily divide this nation.

For that reason, this blog should remain politically nonpartisan. That means every idea expressed or argued must stand on its own: leave the parties out of it (although individuals may serve as examples for argument’s sake). For those of you who might contribute to this blog, please understand that what is desired is your ideas, their basis in reality, and their reflection of the history of mankind. For those of you who just read the postings (and pages such as this), I am sure you will find opinions with which you agree and disagree to various degrees (sorry for the weak emulation, Neil Cavuto).

That being said, I wish as many voting citizens as possible to scare the pants off of the mostly self-serving members of Congress. It appears as if the thought of losing an election is the only thing that may get them to eschew their partisan bickering, their partisan empire building, their treatment of themselves as “uber” citizens, and their revision of the powerful concepts that make up our Constitution. I truly wish I could separate the good guys from the bad ones, but I don’t think my lists would agree with anybody else’s – and probably for very rational reasons.

In other words, I invite you to help me ensure that NO INCUMBENT SHALL RETURN TO HIS ELECTED POSITION.

I hope that this blog accomplishes this purposes by:

  • delivering accurate information and analysis about the significance of critical national and world events that may have been under-reported, ignored, or misrepresented by the major media because of their political and/or world-view bias. The resulting lack of the voting American people’s awareness or understanding of the true nature of these events is contributing significantly to the destruction of a United States of America that was founded by “We the people.”
  • creating a ‘sounding board’ that will bring together the thoughts and ideas of people from all walks of life, all levels of educational achievement, and all forms of experience. Hopefully, viable solutions to today’s economic and sociological problems can be found and suggested to a new crop of government officials and elected representatives who would have open minds; who would value patriotism over partisanship; who would value honesty over venality, and who would understand the importance of pledging not just life and fortune, but ‘sacred honor.’

The above must be done, insofar as possible, without allying the blog site with either the Republican or the Democratic political party.

Nothing could make this writer happier… except a 2010 election where thinking and informed people vote the perpetrators of today’s dysfunctional, self-centered government – the incumbents of BOTH parties – out of office.